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Jodelson Sabino

Data Science advisor, instructor and researcher

Round table about the Industry-University partnership

Round table opening
Round table opening

Basic research improves scientific theories for improved understanding of real-life phenomena, but it is in the applied research that, based on the scientific theories, we create new technology and techniques for developing new products, services, or methods that will improve the industrial processes, making them more effective.

Teaching applied research requires taking out the students from Universities and exposing them to the real-life problems they cannot face in the classroom. Doing that we can multiply their capabilities to impact positively the world outside the academic environment.

I believe we can build a solid foundation for applied research development based on the Industry-University partnership and that is why I was so glad to have the chance to be at the round table discussion about this theme with the following like-minded outstanding peers in SBAI 2019:

  • Charles Cavalcante, from UFC
  • Paulo Lourenção, from ITA, EMBRAER
  • Sandoval Carneiro, from ITV/Vale
  • Sérgio Aquino, from UFOP

That was an unforgettable session, having Dr. Gustavo Pessin as the moderator, where I could enjoy a fruitful discussion and learn a lot with those experts in the area.

Once again I would like to express my gratitude to the SBAI 2019 organization committee for the invitation. Besides the round table discussion, I could meet some old friends, start new friendships, have some business and academic meetings and visit some labs in the surroundings, like the ITV lab and the DECOM-ICEB-UFOP  lab.

To close this article, why not to mention the opportunity to walk around the enjoyable city of Ouro Preto, with its featured architecture and hills…?

That was a fantastic experience!

Jodelson presenting at SBAI 2019
warm up presentation before the discussion
Ouro Preto (MG)
Ouro Preto architecture and hills
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