On September, 11th, 2020, Aldilene Maia was called for her Master’s thesis defense in the Professional Master’s Degree in Instrumentation, Control, and Automation of Mining Processes of Vale Institute of Technology (ITV).
The defense took place as a virtual meeting due to the social distancing imposed as by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Prof. Frederico Gadelha was the supervisor, and I was her cosupervisor, together with Prof. Agnaldo Reis.
Profs. Rodrigo Silva, Roberto Ribeiro and Petrônio Cândido were the other Examining Committee members in that session.
The thesis title freely translated to English is “Machine Learning Applied to Fault Prediction in Off-Road Truck Diesel Engine” and the research is in the field of predictive analysis to support decision makers in off-road trucks maintenance planning. The proposed methodology involves creating a model to forecast equipment failures so that the maintenance team can plan ahead.
Once again I would like to register my gratitude to Prof. Frederico Gadelha for the invitation to participate in this exciting research work.
Congratulation Aldilene Maia, and welcome to the team of Masters of Science that are contributing to the mining industry digital transformation.
I advise you to continue your studies and keep on contributing to improve research capabilities of the field of machine learning.